
Microbit Programming Robotics Course Introduction


Course Description

Microbit is a small yet powerful microcomputer developed specifically for educational purposes. In this course, you will learn how to use Microbit to create various fun and practical robotics projects.

The course includes:

  • Introduction to Microbit hardware: Understanding the components and functions of this microcomputer
  • Basic programming concepts: Using graphical programming languages like MakeCode for simple program design
  • Sensor applications: Learning how to utilize the various sensors built into Microbit
  • Basic electronics knowledge: Understanding circuit principles and component connections
  • Simple robot design: Controlling motors and servos using Microbit
  • Advanced programming: Exploring more complex programming concepts and algorithms
  • Creative project development: Designing and implementing your own Microbit robotics creations

Through this course, you will develop the following skills:

  • Programming logic
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Creative design thinking
  • Basic knowledge of electronics engineering
  • Project management skills

Whether you are a programming novice or have some experience, this course will provide you with a rich learning experience. You will gradually master the skills of Microbit programming and robot creation through hands-on practice.